Anthropocene Landscapes and Processes

We are a research group interested in the interactions between human activities and landscapes

Research Themes

About Us

The group is led by Simon Dixon, and is broadly structured around the 3 areas of: urban geomorphology, landscapes & flooding, and plastic pollution

The unifying theme in all our research are the feedbacks between human activities and landscape processes, and we use the theoretical lens of “The Anthropocene” to frame much of our work. We are looking at: the landscapes of The Anthropocene, the processes which reshape them, and how humans both influence these landscapes and processes, but are in turn influenced by the hybrid physical landscape of the Anthropocene in how they live their lives.

Each year around eight undergraduate and masters students join the group to conduct independent research as part of their dissertation projects.

New PhD and postdoc/fellowship inquiries are welcome

Current Group Members

Work Together


The research of the group is fundamentally interdisciplinary, both sitting in the spaces between traditional disciplines, and requiring collaborations between people with different skills and outlooks. We welcome inquiries and ideas, so get in touch

Code of Conduct


Applications and inquiries are open for student supervision (Undergraduate, Masters and PhD) in any of the broad research themes of the group.

PhD positions on specific topics are normally advertised in November/December every year. Inquiries for independently funded projects are welcome year round

Publication Links


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